Google Lens Launch

Brand / Commercials

Google Lens lets you search what you see – using just your camera or a photo.


The marketing team at Google wanted to show off their fancy-pants visual search engine called Google Lens. We were tasked to make an animated GIF that showed how easy it is to find affordable alternatives using the technology.

Our idea was to show the user taking a photo of a posh vase with their smartphone camera and using Google Lens to search for similar alternatives. The results showed a range of affordable replica vases that looked similar to the original image.

The animation was designed for email marketing campaigns and was sent to Google's email subscriber list. The email included a call-to-action encouraging subscribers to try out Google Lens to find affordable replicas of their favourite ornaments and living decorations. It was also promoted on social media, using the same animated GIF.

"Our idea was to show the user taking a photo...with their smartphone camera and using Google Lens to search... "

Our process

This was not the only concept that we came up with for this animation. Oh no, we had some other ideas too. But in the end, we went with a simple animated GIF concept. It's fun, it's catchy, and it shows off the power of Google Lens in a way that even non-tech-savvy folks can understand.

You can see early sketches of the design layout below as well as thumbnail storyboards, character designs and even some discarded concepts. It's like getting a peek behind the curtain of a magic show!

Featured Fun  Stuff

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