
Social Media / Commercials / Brand

The Moneybox app is the simplest way to save and invest.


Moneybox is a mobile financial application that rounds up the spare change from everyday spending and starts investing with as little as £1. The OWL, SQUIRREL, and FOX are avatars that represent the three levels of risk on the platform.

We were tasked with creating cute and fun promotional videos for social media as well as Lottie animations for the app.

"We were tasked with creating cute and fun promotional videos."

Our process

It was a busy schedule, but it was nothing that we couldn’t handle. We provided storyboards and animation whilst the artwork was done by the clients talented design team. We had the pleasure of learning from the marketing team about the ESG Index and it's importance across several industries. We were also thrilled to be involved with the push to close the gender investing gap.

Featured Fun  Stuff

Click on our animated biscotti for fun!

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